In this course, students will learn the essential skills necessary to produce and create media content, with a focus on film production. They will learn about the theory of film and media production, as well as the practical skills needed to create high-quality content that engages audiences.

1. Introduction to Film and Media Production
– Overview of the film and media production industry and its various roles
– Introduction to the history of film and media production

2. Storytelling and Screenwriting
– Understanding the importance of storytelling in film and media production
– Learning how to write effective screenplays

3. Pre-Production
– Understanding the pre-production process for film and media production
– Learning how to plan and organize a film or media project

4. Cinematography
– Understanding the role of the cinematographer in film and media production
– Learning how to operate cameras, lighting, and other equipment to capture high-quality footage

5. Sound Recording and Mixing
– Understanding the importance of sound in film and media production
– Learning how to record and mix high-quality audio for film and media projects

6. Post-Production
– Understanding the post-production process for film and media production
– Learning how to edit, color correct, and add visual effects to a film or media project

7. Distribution and Marketing
– Understanding the distribution and marketing process for film and media projects
– Learning how to promote and distribute a film or media project to its target audience

By the end of the course, students will have gained a comprehensive understanding of the film and media production industry, including the theory of film and media production, as well as the practical skills needed to produce high-quality content that engages audiences. They will learn how to write effective screenplays, plan and organize film and media projects, operate cameras and other equipment, record and mix audio, edit and color correct footage, and promote and distribute film and media projects to their target audience. Additionally, the course will incorporate new ideas and approaches to media and film production being taught at top universities around the world.